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Counterfeit Awareness

At Specialized, our love for cycling runs deep and it shows in everything we do. We're just like you - passionate riders who always strive to improve the experience for ourselves and our community.

Safety is a big deal for us, not just because we ride our own bikes, but because we consider all our customers to be part of our cycling family.

So you can bet we take it personally when it comes to counterfeit products. That's why we're dedicated to stopping counterfeiters in their tracks. This guide is here to help you identify and steer clear of them.

What if I've Bought a Counterfeit Product?

If you even have the slightest suspicion that you've bought a counterfeit product or come across something fishy online, let us know at Why? Because your safety matters to us, and counterfeit products are a huge risk.

The best way to avoid the counterfeits altogether is to shop at an authorized Specialized Retailer or directly on That way, you can be sure you're getting safe, authentic Specialized products.

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How Do I Spot a Fake?

Who's the Seller?

Is the seller a certified Specialized retailer? Authentic Specialized gear is sold by us, our partnered bike shops, their websites, and authorized retailers on selected e-commerce platforms.

Price Check

If a bike or piece of equipment is priced ridiculously low, it's probably a counterfeit, stolen, or part of a scam.

Product Selection

Seeing a ton of older designs and colorways? That's a red flag right there.

Serial Numbers

If a seller can't provide a serial number, watch out. That's one of the main red flags for a counterfeit or possibly stolen bike.

Counterfeit Clustering

Counterfeit goods are often found for sale in clusters. So, be wary if you notice the same questionable individual or e-commerce store selling other frequently counterfeited brands.

Quality Control

Counterfeit products often mess up the details. They might get the shape right, but look closer - the paint, small metal and plastic hardware, hangtags, or decals are often off.

Who's the Seller?

Is the seller a certified Specialized retailer? Authentic Specialized gear is sold by us, our partnered bike shops, their websites, and authorized retailers on selected e-commerce platforms.

Serial Numbers

If a seller can't provide a serial number, watch out. That's one of the main red flags for a counterfeit or possibly stolen bike.

Price Check

If a bike or piece of equipment is priced ridiculously low, it's probably a counterfeit, stolen, or part of a scam.

Counterfeit Clustering

Counterfeit goods are often found for sale in clusters. So, be wary if you notice the same questionable individual or e-commerce store selling other frequently counterfeited brands.

Product Selection

Seeing a ton of older designs and colorways? That's a red flag right there.

Quality Control

Counterfeit products often mess up the details. They might get the shape right, but look closer - the paint, small metal and plastic hardware, hangtags, or decals are often off.